Raju Lama's Most Popular Songs

Publish date: 2024-06-04

The most popular Raju Lama's song is "Bihe Nagari Bhachhaina" . The song has been published on 20/01/2020. The highest achieved chart position has been reached by "Bihe Nagari Bhachhaina". "Bihe Nagari Bhachhaina" has gained the number 6 as the best result in the weekly music chart - Nepali Top 40 Top Chart and spent 182 weeks on the listing. Originally, "Bihe Nagari Bhachhaina"'s title is "BIHE NAGARI BHACHHAINA - RAJU LAMA (MONGOLIAN HEART) | NEW NEPALI SONG 2020 | FT. NIRANJALI, HERUKA". "Bihe Nagari Bhachhaina" has accumulated 2.2M total views, 34.3K likes, and 0 dislikes on YouTube since the premiere day (20 January 2020).
